Hi! My name is Meg. I am a yoga alliance certified teacher, specializing in Kundalini. I have a passion for hormones, cyclical rhythms and all things moon related. I am an artist, astrology fan, bulldog mom and ocean city resident.
In 2019 I came off of the hormonal birth control pill after 10 straight years of use. As I began to regain my natural rhythm, a whole world began to unfold before my eyes. A world where our bodies are beautiful, self sustaining feedback systems that work hard to keep us healthy. A world where the female menstrual cycle is a huge clue to solving our imbalances and health issues. A world where we are not separate from the earth but in fact we are tiny mirrors of her cycles and magick. I wish to share the ancient wisdom of working, living, and acting in alignment with your female cyclical rhythm and how this knowledge can positively impact every aspect of your life. I believe there is magick stored within the cycle of the moon when paired with our menstrual cycle.
I’m on a mission to share this magick with as many people as possible.