Some people in this world act in ways that we deem unkind, unjust, unnecessary and down right wrong. It can be infuriating, leading you to a state of anger and sometimes rage. This opens up the rabbit hole of hows. How can this person get away with this? How can this behavior be tolerated? How …
Earth School Lesson #10: Don’t Fear the Absence, Embrace the Space
We live in a cyclical world. The earth is round, she spins on an axis and rotates around the sun. The Moon orbits around the Earth. As these circles spin about in space, they create cyclical patterns. The hours of the day turning to the darkness of night. The weather transitions as we tilt on …
Earth School Lesson #10: Don’t Fear the Absence, Embrace the SpaceRead More
Earth School Lesson #9: Never Abandon Your Heart
Never abandon your heart, there will always be another person to come along and give it new life. Your heart represents your intuition, your inner knowing. It’s the leader of your feeling body, your emotional body. It can’t communicate with words so we can be frustrated when we can’t make sense of the messages being …
Earth School Lesson #8: Pain
Separation, isolation & comparison feed pain. Connection, sharing & caring eases pain. It’s a very simple formula. But like a moth to a flame we often choose the former when we feel pain. Our ego tells us to lick our wounds & run along to our little corner to deal with it by ourselves, because …
Earth School Lesson #7: The Emotional Body
The physical body is tangible, we can touch, feel, see and interact with it. When we are sick, we believe it to be solely an ailment of the physical body because our mind can understand what it can see, touch or quantify. It’s easier for us to digest things when we can understand it from …
Earth School Lesson #6: Self-love
You will never find what you’re looking for in the love of someone else if you don’t first accept the love of yourself. Loving yourself can seem like a simple concept but when you look at it under a microscope, you’ll see that there are many facets to this emotional output & it is a …
Earth School Lesson #5: Everything is Information
Absolutely everything we see, hear, feel or experience is simply information. It is not inherently good or bad, it just is. We are the ones who desire categorizing and sorting information to better understand and evaluate our experiences. We add the meaning to the information. We label the information and call it good, bad or …
Earth School Lesson # 4: Question Everything
If you can live your life as a “Curious George” you will be guaranteed to never make a decision you will regret. We regret the things that do not resonate with our truest self, the things that are not aligned with our values, morals and purpose here on earth. We make these decisions from places …
My Story : part 2
Earth School Lesson #3: It’s ok to NOT KNOW This brings us to 2020, the year everyone thought would bring clarity and change (in a beautiful, futuristic and hopeful manner). Well, she brought clarity (in an abrupt and confrontational way) and she brought change (OH, man, did she bring change). I stopped taking the pill …
My Story : part 1
Earth School Lesson # 2: Vulnerability My name is Megan Cautilli and I want to share the lessons I’m learning on my journey through Earth School. We all have a story (or two or three), we all have struggles, problems and troubles through which we all learn and grow. Some of us have similar lessons …
Earth School Lesson #1: Transforming Anger into Compassion
When someone acts in a way that appears to come from a dark place, it can feel like a personal attack; rude, abrupt and uncalled for. We immediately reach for our ego arsenal of rage, anger, and comparison. We put up our defenses, thinking “I’m in the right and you’re clearly wrong.” We put people …
Earth School Lesson #1: Transforming Anger into CompassionRead More
Capricorn Full Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
This weekend brings about the final eclipse in a series of three starting last month (June 5th to July 5th). A powerful 30 days that have hopefully revealed to you the path you wish to take and the person you wish to be on this journey of life. Change is happening right under our noses …
Cancer New Moon & Annular Solar Eclipse
Wow! 2020 sure has turned out to be a roller coaster ride. And the Moon is here to be our nurturing mother, nudging us towards path of change. This New Moon, happening on Sunday, June 21st, will be the one and only Annular Solar eclipse this year and it’s occurring less than one day after …
Lunar Eclipse- Sagittarius Full Moon
This Friday, June 5th is the first lunar eclipse of 2020, as the Full Moon arrives this month in the sign of Sagittarius. Full moon’s bring out intense energies, high frequencies, making us feel alive, awake and energized to make change. Lunar eclipses bring about change and ask us to make decisions. They signal an …
We Are One in the Same
Anger, violence, hate and comparison all derive from fear. We fear what we do not know or understand. We do not understand what appears to be different than us. What’s really happening here, is that we do not fully understand ourselves. We do not love ourselves completely. For, if we lived a life of unconditional …
New Moon in Gemini
New Moon’s take place when the moon is positioned directly in between the earth & the sun, revealing only the shadow side of the moon to us, making it seem invisible. The dark of the moon asks us to slow down, find pockets of quiet to review our last cycle so we can be clear …
Road Map to Self-Love
On this journey of self-development I have come to believe that one thing can change your entire life, change the way you interact with others, increase your productivity, boost energy, bring joy to each day & give purpose & meaning to your life, even on the not so good days. That one thing is unconditional …
Autumn Phase – Seedy Almond Butter Collards
This recipe is adapted from an original by Sam Freda of SOMA, OCNJ. Vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free & packed with everything you need to support your body during the Autumn phase (Luteal phase). Below I will break down the benefits of each key ingredient & how it supports your body & your hormones at this time. …
Harmonious Hormones
Women are different than men & I don’t just mean physically. Women’s hormones are different than men’s… very different. Hormones effect our energy levels, how we feel, what we think & how we interact with the world. If this is all true, then wouldn’t it make sense that our emotions & actions can be logically …
The Secret to Unlocking the Healthiest You
Have you experimented with every diet & trend raved about on instagram? Drinking your vegetables, living off uncooked foods or eliminating anything that looks like bread? Have you injured yourself trying to keep up with the latest high intensity workouts & bullied yourself into sweating when your body was begging you to skip cardio day? …
Scorpio Super Moon
Scorpio Full Moon, a Super Moon, the last of the year, the third Super Moon of 2020. All of this translates into some powerful, intense energies. A crescendo of all the energies from the Super Moons that have come before her. This is not a moon that can be ignored. Full Moons occur when the …
Hormone Balancing Minty Hot Chocolate
Just because you’re an adult, it doesn’t mean you stopped loving hot chocolate. It’s just time to upgrade the ingredients from a package of Swiss Miss to nature’s super foods and adaptogens. Once your pantry is stocked with a few key ingredients, you’ll be fully equipped to test out your barista skills on a daily …
Cyclical Rhythms
There was a time when we thought the world was flat. Linear. If you sailed towards the horizon, eventually you’d just fall off the face of the earth. Thankfully we’ve proven that theory wrong, but somehow we’ve never let go of that linear thought process. The world is round yet time is linear. Our daily …