If you can live your life as a “Curious George” you will be guaranteed to never make a decision you will regret. We regret the things that do not resonate with our truest self, the things that are not aligned with our values, morals and purpose here on earth. We make these decisions from places like fear, lack of time or information or lack of confidence in ourselves and our inner knowing.
If you can consciously pause, simply listen to what is being told to you and spend time analyzing what that means to YOU, then you will find that your final decision will be “the right” decision. I put that in quotes because there truly are no wrong decisions. We learn and grow from each and every decision, but sometimes it feels better when we can make more of the aligned choices and less of the choices that lead to regret or better yet, powerful lessons. I think regret is something we should never feel, we should accept the outcome for what it is, a powerful lesson. These powerful lessons then help us to make more aligned decisions in the future.
This calls into question, who do you ALLOW to be your teacher? That’s right. Listening to someone’s ideas, opinions and advice is a choice. We believe that all teachers are the experts in their fields, however everyone is different and the road they traveled to acquire this knowledge is therefore different. This means that they have learned different lessons along the way that shape their belief system about their chosen topic and the rest of their life. This is so important, because we trust and believe our teachers, their ideas shape the way we think. This makes it imperative to choose the teachers that align with you AND/OR to question everything they say.
All of my best teachers in life have said this sentence at one time or another “Don’t take my word for it, you try it yourself and see what you learn.” Teachers that encourage free thought, experimentation and alternative options are the ones who truly believe in educating you to your highest potential. Because the real truth is, we are our most powerful teacher. Other people are there to get us thinking, help us along a path but the information that truly sticks, the ideas that shape our personal belief systems and daily lives, comes from what we teach ourselves through experience, what we use to catalogue and frame our inner worlds.
This rings true in the medical field as well. Doctors are teachers. We blindly trust that they know more about us than we know, just because they went to medical school and they can read the charts and lab work. This is a realm where lesson #4 is HUGE. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Yes, seek medical help when something feels wrong, but also keep looking and keep seeking help if the answers you are given also FEEL WRONG. You were right about something being wrong in your body so odds are you’re right about this feeling too. There are so many types of people in the world who want to help. Only a small portion of those people are doctors. And there are different types of doctors as well. Get opinions from all kinds of people and then pause, sit with it and see what feels right before making a decision. From this place you will be making a more informed and aligned decision and you will likely avoid any feelings of regret, or powerful lessons.
I am specifically thinking about the medical realm at the moment because we live in a world where healthcare has become disease management not prevention or what it should be, a system for maintaining good health. There are billions of versions of diss-ease in the body and it’s only when everything has been struggling for a long time that we actually land in the realm of diagnosed diseases. Even still, if you are there, you are not destined to suffer or go down the same path as someone else with “the same” condition. No one ever has the exact same condition or diss-ease, because we are all different people, operating with different systems in different environments. The body is incredible. She is built to fix herself and stay alive. All we have to do is figure out how to work with her, not against her in each stage of life. This could change monthly or maybe even daily. This brings me back to, question everything, even every thought and feeling you have. Where is it coming from? How long has it been there? Is it helping or hurting you? How can you make changes for the better?
This all rings true in every aspect of life but it shines bright in the realm of women’s healthcare. Women’s bodies are complex, our hormonal rhythm is gorgeous and fluctuates like the seasons of the year and the phases of the moon. What I have found, in my experience, is the complete lack of education for women about how their body works, what signs and signals she is sending each month and how to adjust and maintain optimal health every month. Then, when problems arise, the answers from western medicine are… western medicine of course. Take a “magical pill” that will “fix” all of your problems. Translation “I have no idea what’s going on inside your body. It’s a very complex system and I don’t have enough time to get to the root cause so here’s a medicine that will remove your natural hormonal rhythm (aka your system of checks and balances) and replace it with a linear system that neutralizes your issue for the time being.” Pop it and forget it right?
This does so much more harm than good. Root cause health care is the only way to heal yourself. Period. End of sentence. It’s not a short road, it’s not an easy road but it’s the correct road. It’s the road most aligned with your true self. It’s the road that will lead to sustainable health.
So, question everything. When you’ve been told to take a medication, question it. Research it. Get another opinion. Ask your mom, ask a friend, ask another medical professional and ask an Eastern Medicine doctor. Get all the facts and opinions then YOU decide what’s right for YOU! It’s your body, it’s your life and only you have to live with the regret or powerful lesson that comes when you let others make decisions for you. And it’s going to feel so good when you start to see your true self come through.
Question Everything and you’ll find your truth. Here’s the secret, your truth is the only “real” truth, because you’re living your life and what’s proven true for you is the TRUTH. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. And if they do, question it, and see what you can learn.