Women are different than men & I don’t just mean physically. Women’s hormones are different than men’s… very different. Hormones effect our energy levels, how we feel, what we think & how we interact with the world. If this is all true, then wouldn’t it make sense that our emotions & actions can be logically charted & correlated to our hormonal levels?
We live in a world where society expects all humans to be the same version of themselves every day. I am one human being & I should have access to all the same thoughts, tools & logic that I had yesterday. This model makes sense for a man living with male hormones pumping out steady, consistent levels of the same hormones day in and day out. Since today’s society is a masculine dominant one, we have all been asked to work in this linear fashion.
The problem is, women (between ages 12-55, roughly) don’t have a linear hormonal schedule. Our hormones operate in a cyclical manner over the course of a month. This means, we actually are different than the person we were yesterday. We do NOT have access to the same thoughts, tools & logic that we did a week ago. Different levels of different hormones are pumping through our system, causing us to feel differently, which causes us to act differently & view things differently. Without recognizing this, we end up forcing ourselves to fit in to the linear model, inevitably setting ourselves up for failure with unrealistic expectations about our capabilities that day.
Knowing about the ups & downs of female hormones helps to illuminate the logical reasons for our actions. When in the Winter phase, during menstruation, hormones are low & our bodies are working hard internally as we shed part of ourselves. This all translates into low levels of energy, feeling the need to slow down, rest & send our focus inside. This is a cyclical mandate to take time for yourself so you can sustain yourself throughout the rest of the month, avoiding burn out. I love how women have proven themselves capable of all that men are, however, I believe it’s time to re-evaluate how we show our equality. It’s not, “we can do everything men can do, so we should do it just like them.” The point is that we can do everything men can do, BUT in our own way, spread out over the course of the month, utilizing our feminine strengths.
I have found the importance & power of listening to my body. Instead of treating my period like a nuisance, something to deal with & go about my day as usual, I have found that I look forward to the 4 days of slowing down & resting. Adjusting my schedule to lighten the load & plan realistic goals, not forcing my body to perform at her highest levels, has led to more productivity later in my cycle. I understand that this may not be realistic for some people’s lifestyles every month, but what I’ve found is that when you start working with your body, your body works with you. It’s a partnership. If you give her the time to rest, then you can ask her to help out when the need arises. If you schedule something you can’t re-arrange & it falls in your Winter phase, then tune in, find pockets of stillness & ask her for a little help. You will find that she will work to help you complete your task within your schedule, knowing that you will carve out time later to compensate for this adjustment.
With this knowledge of a cyclical down swing, you will find that your Spring & Summer, high energy phases, will become more productive. Your cup has been filled, or better yet, your cup has been cleared of the messy old stuff & is ready to fill up with the beautiful new things to come.
Next time you feel frustrated or angry that you can’t do as much as you could a few days ago, I urge you to consult your hormones. Try to find a way to adjust your schedule to better align with your energy levels. This helps bring understanding to how you’re feeling & results in less frustration. Women aren’t crazy, we’re just Miss Understood! The worst part is, we are the ones misunderstanding ourselves.
Spend a few minutes a day evaluating your thoughts & feelings. Write in a journal or just do a mental self-evaluation at the end of the day. Once you start a dialogue with your body, you’ll find that it comes naturally & it leads you down the path to a more harmonious & happy life.
Happy Healing!