This Friday, June 5th is the first lunar eclipse of 2020, as the Full Moon arrives this month in the sign of Sagittarius. Full moon’s bring out intense energies, high frequencies, making us feel alive, awake and energized to make change. Lunar eclipses bring about change and ask us to make decisions. They signal an ending of one and the bright, new beginning of another.
These are important and potent energies in the current societal circumstances. The time is now for change! How we communicate and interact with each other must change. How we treat each other, view each other, must shift from the narrow mindset of comparison to the higher level of acceptance and understanding. It’s time we say goodbye to our old limiting beliefs as we say hello to the warmth and love of connection and acceptance.
Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher, the pro student, higher learning. Now is the time to educate yourself. What is it that you don’t know? What subject should you dive into head on to further drive your point of view?This is the sign of endless optimism. Change is here on a grand scale and that’s an amazing and welcome form of evolution. So much has happened this year, everything we’ve been through, everything that has come to light, is here for us as the foundation for the future. A future where work and life are actually balanced. A future where rest and recharge are known to be necessary counterparts to make activity and work sustainably productive. A future where we see people as people, one in the same, all living and working towards the same goals; to be happy, connect with others and help each other. The future is bright, we have the tools, it’s time to get to work and educate ourselves so we can set the world back on track.
I seek, I see! Sagittarius is the freedom seeker. The bright reflection of the sun’s rays will shine down, highlighting universal truths so that we may all see. Open your eyes and look. It’s written out in front of you if you start paying attention. You will be rewarded when you start traveling down the path carved out for you, the path that leads you closer to freedom in all aspects of life, the path that brings the right people into your life at the right time, the path that makes you feel good being the person who walks around in your shoes. This path is easiest to find when you start talking, connecting, and listening. Talk to others, speak your truth. Connect with people around you, comparing ideas and ideals. Listen to other’s points of view and listen to how it all feels in your body. This is how we insight change. This is how we all grow together, we learn from each other and we do this by sharing our thoughts in a respectful manner and digesting the ideas and thoughts of others. Leaving room for questioning and honest debates. Accepting that we are all different, growing up under different circumstances, and these life lessons we’ve learned along the way lead us to differing ideas. But that’s all good. We need differing points of view to make change, to create diverse systems that accommodate a larger whole. We must remember to choose learning and listening over arguing and small mindedness. We are all correct at times in our lives but we are also all incorrect too. Be humble and be truthful with yourself on this life journey. Acknowledge when you are the novice, the new student, and celebrate yourself for all that you know and all that you have yet to learn.
This Full Moon, I encourage you to have the conversations you’ve been avoiding. Make decisions in your relationships. Close the door on things that are no longer serving you so you can walk through the next door that’s beginning to open. View others and their words with optimism. Give people the benefit of the doubt and re-tune your internal dialogue to a station that promotes positivity over fear. We fear what we do not know or understand. So start knowing, start understanding, start learning. Teach yourself or start conversations because the only thing we all really have to fear in this life, is not being the person we know we were meant to be.
Today’s the day to be the real you, the true you, the You that finds love and joy in all things, and you do it in your own unique way, based on your knowledge gained from your lifetime of personal experiences. Make it count. Make all the ups and downs worth the heartache and pain. Make it the foundation for the person you were meant to be and make that person visible for the world to see. I seek, I see, and I hope to find you there.